issue 1: New Beginnings
The Talk in my Body
Julie Peters
Hips say ha! Hmm, we found a yes in here somewhere. Turns out there was a yes in here somewhere. Throat says blue. Throat says blue knows something about what’s true, and you been hiding in the dark too long, girl, what are you afraid of? Shoulders giggle, belly says, burn it up! I found us a fire. I found us a bright blue diamond coal hot fire and I can burn this for you. Tongue tastes it all, the whole thing, even the bitter. Saltwater. Dirt. You develop a taste for rot after a while. Chase it with lemons. Tongue says, what do I taste like while I am being tasted? Knees say, you’ve landed on me too many times, girl. I been bruised by all this praying, all this falling. Talk to your toes. Toes want to be in sand, to sink into things, to be still for a while, to be connoisseurs of dirt. But cotton socks, toes can understand. Curl up with me, skin says, what do I feel like when I am being felt? Cut grass, new flowers, soft animals, which of these do I feel like? I don’t always want to touch. I don’t always want to be cut grass, new flowers, soft animals. Listen. Let the no mean something and it will push the paper boat
yes across the water,
then I will skin glow for you
like moons, like candles
in the dark. I can glow now—
look. I found a yes in here
somewhere. I found a yes.
Julie Peters (she/her) is a body-based counselor and tarot reader living on Plains Cree land in Treaty 6 territory, also known as Edmonton, Alberta. She is a staff writer for Spirituality and Health Magazine and is the author of three books, including the Canada Book Award-winning Want: 8 Steps to Recovering Desire, Passion, and Pleasure After Sexual Assault, Secrets of the Eternal Moon Phase Goddesses, and the forthcoming Full Moon Yearbook. She represented Vancouver several times through Vancouver Poetry House and the Vancouver Poetry Slam. Learn more at juliepeters.ca or on Instagram at @juliepeterswellness.