issue 3: Queer joy & open theme
trying hard to write a joyful poem
michele rule
The trill of the sparrow
until the cat nabs it from the cedar hedge.
The mouthful of cinnamon bun
that lands on my hips.
The scent of morning air
interrupted by smog from the city bus.
I should keep trying
until something sticks.
Like the key in my front door lock,
warped by midday sun
or the chewing gum I picked up
with the sole of my favourite shoe.
I’m almost ready to give up
when I slip and fall on the proverbial banana peel.
Find myself staring face to face
with the tiniest spring pansy
and there it is. Joy.
Michele Rule is a disabled writer from Kelowna BC, with a special interest in the topic of chronic illness. She is published in Five Minute Lit, Spillwords, WordCityLit, Okay Donkey, Poetry Pause and the anthologies F*ck the Patriarchy, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and To Live Here, among others. Michele is an associate member of the League of Canadian Poets and co-edits the Solitary Daisy Haiku journal. She lives in a beautiful garden surrounded by people who love her just the way she is. You can read some of Michele’s work at www.linktr.ee/michelerule.